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Beauty is something that people admire and judge a person when seeing for the first time. What would you do if you knew those miracle beauty secrets to gain self confidence that is the first step of being beautiful? Before you laugh out loud thinking nothing will work out for me in becoming beautiful, take a deep breath and read further to find out the old and proven beauty tips.

Try to eat healthy and wholesome foods. A person's diet regime can significantly have an impact on the appearance of our skin and might lead to acne breakouts. For a obvious, wholesome complexion, take in a lot of vegetables and fruits, particularly those with plenty of vitamin C, and lean meat. Consuming a diet which has a lot of carbohydrates or fat is believed to result in very poor pores and skin.

A couple more to try are papaya juice, and fresh tomato paste. These fruits have beauty tips been shown to be an effective home treatment for acne. Along with the use of fruits to clear up acne, many herbs and plants have also been used. One effective treatment that can be applied a couple of times a day is a mixture of tea, sweet fennel, and oil extract of which hazel in water.

A weekly steam treatment will make sure that your skin is kept free from blackheads and blemishes. It is particularly important for oily skin, but do not perform a steam treatment more than once every two weeks if you have dry skin, which tends to be more delicate.

Oily skin give our skin a shiny, greasy thick and dull colored appearance that is sure to turn everyone off. Add to that it can also cause pimples, blackheads and other embarrassing blemishes. Some cause that have been linked are heredity, diet, birth control pills, pregnancy, hormone levels, humidity, hot weather and cosmetics.

The truth is that both men and women need to protect their skin. Proper hygiene and a simple skincare routine can avert sunburn and reduce the risk of skin cancer while preventing blemishes, wrinkles and age spots.

Quitting smoking is an excellent move in the right direction to dramatically decrease your incoming toxic load. In addition, doing a body cleanse, including a liver cleanse, can work wonders in removing much of the toxicity that smokers and even ex-smokers carry in their bodies. Because, unfortunately, most accumulated toxicity will stay put until some deep cleansing is done. And there's only so much of a toxic burden that a body can bear before it starts showing symptoms of problems. Weight gain is actually a symptom of an unhealthy liver! So are health problems.

Use a lavender oil on the blemish. Compressed lavender and lavender oil are known to be effective when trying to rid yourself of acne. Put some lavender oil on a cleansing pad and wipe the area of your skin that has a blemish. This will help clear up your acne.

You can also make up quantities at home that can be used and the remaining stored in containers for future use. When you purchase from a store you are only getting a small amount that when used up, must be purchased again. When the homemade beauty treatment is used up, just make up another batch.